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I serve women who are at one of these 3 stages of life (& business):


1)the daydreamer/stay at home mama


You know you're meant for so much more than what mainstream society has to offer, and are craving the fulfillment, abundance, and life of freedom you know is birthright. You're sick of trying to fit yourself into an unsupportive, patriarchal system. And you don't know what steps to take to make that life your reality. Maybe you have a business idea, or many, or maybe you don't. (whatever the case, I got you)


2)the part-time creative with big-time dreams


You know you're needing a major life change because your current life just isn't cutting it're ready to leave your job and make your creative pursuit your full-time endeavour, but you're not sure how you'll scale it to the point of financially supporting you to the income you're used to. You also are worried about burning out and losing the passion...You want to learn how to scale your business to be wildly successful, abundant AND never burn out! 


3) the established vixen who wants to slow down AND make MORE $


You've already launched your dream business, and you're having a lot of success...except, at the rate you're going, you know it's not sustainable. You know you need to slow down, you'd love to spend more time with your family and actually create some freedom in your life, but you don't know how to do that. you worry if you slow down, you won't make as much money and your business will suffer..but you found yourself here, so you know there must be a way (I GOT YOU!!)






having more CONFIDENCE in yourSelf and intuition, feeling more EASEFUL, more TRUSTING, and SUPPORTED by life, opening up the channels to RECEIVE MORE MONEY and work LESS --- these are just a few examples of what women claim for themselves in the Full Bloom transformation immersion. 


What’s possible when you say YES to the NEXT LEVEL version of YOU?


-Gain the skills and awareness to BE your OWN HEALER, energy worker & guru and finally start LEARNING from the challenges in your life so that you can stop repeating patterns (with the possibility to get certified in my healing modality).


-Be surrounded by a group of brand new soul sisters who you feel like GET you, support you, and inspire you to keep going after all your hearts deepest desires.


-Heal and evolve past re-occurring patterns in your life, learn how to heal and resolve the root of your triggers


-Unplug from all the old beliefs (and others peoples opinions) telling you this way of life is not possible, allowing yourself to do life completely your way.



-EXPAND your vision of what’s possible for your life, for your family, and step into that timeline without any pressure or force.


-Become MUCH happier, more fulfilled, clearer, and feeling worthy of all the blessings life could possibly give you.


-and literally so much more.


imagine if in only 3 months your life could feel DRASTICALLY different?!

are you ready to grab your existence by the horns & create an epic life you'll never need a vacation from?


enrollment is now open

for the full bloom transformation immersion


courtney k

you won’t understand the magnitude of this transformation, this
new way of living, until you allow yourself to take that step. You are worthy of this. You can do it.
The guidance of the most incredible women in your circle is a connection I will never recreate. I am finally living the life I want to. I am following my path I have craved because of Full Bloom. I have
had job offers I would never imagine, I finished 5 certificates I thought I would never have; I
healed the sadness I have held onto, and this is only the beginning.


erica p

The Full Bloom Immersion has significantly transformed so much of how
I now see and move through this world, and more deeply, how I see (and love) myself. I am finding my voice. I am feeling more connected, and more at ease in
my daily life.

If your heart is curious, lean into it. Trust it. You
will be supported and transformed with people who want you to shine, and who will support you in your
own personal growth. Pure magic.


brittany w

The feeling of love, freedom and comfortability Jane's space allows is completely unmatched. The ease with which vulnerability flows in her presence is extremely powerful and the healing is evident. The Dreamweavers and Full Bloom community she has built is a beautiful, safe and loving haven of amazing women which I am so grateful for and proud to be part of. The lessons are filled with profound wisdom and the meditations are equally as effective. I’ve personally experienced many more breakthroughs since joining this wonderful community!


amy m

I have never felt so safe to be my most authentic self even as I was still discovering who that was.  I could honestly express myself without judgement but also I had this reassurance that I would somehow be understood and I always was. I feel so much calmer about everything in my life even when times are tough. You have helped me with a new perspective that I was missing and helped me see so much that was right in front of me.











SO, I work from the premise that taking care of yourself on every level is the best possible way to make sure your business is prosperous and sustainable. And teach you RADICAL self care. 


In this program, you will clear out all of the hidden limiting beliefs, stories, and energetic chains causing you to subconsciously fear for your future and live from a scarcity mindset (which is what is causing you to work way too much and too hard) and step IN to a place of full surrender, full trust, where you allow GOD to do all of the heavy lifting.

From this place, you simply step back and allow your vessel to follow your Divine orders.


From this place, you become a wellspring of creativity, you can never burn out, your cup never runs empty, you can receive greater levels of $ abundance (while working way LESS hard), your gifts just get stronger and life just keeps getting better.


THIS is how we live in an EASEFUL, FULFILLING way.


The ONLY hard work involved in your soul-aligned business thus is the INNER WORK to make all of this possible…

(And in this program, it’s all mapped out for you, and so it's made as EASY as it can possibly be for you..) 

Over here we know that your soul-aligned business is simply an extension of YOU, an outlet for your soul to express herself in the world and receive money in exchange.
Thus, the better you take care of yourself, the better you’re taking care of your business.

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Your investment will provide you with 3 months of my undivided attention and support. 

My HEART to hold you

My WORDS to encourage you

My ENERGY to uplift you

MY TOOLS so that you can transform

My VISION to help you see what you cannot


We will have weekly group mentorship calls where you get to feel seen, heard, and supported, in a small, intimate group so your needs are top priority..


The inner work we do is done using my Signature modality, the H.E.A.R.T method.


For any students who are looking for an entire career change, complete change of pace, or feeling called to add a brand new revenue stream into their lives by way of sharing the same work they experienced in the Immersion,

You can add on the H.E.A.R.T method certification course on to your Immersion and create for yourself a DIRECT EXIT PLAN FROM THE MATRIX. 


The H.E.A.R.T method, my signature healing modality, is the work we use in the program to heal everything necessary to step into this way of life.

It can be used to heal everything, from asthma, anxiety, money issues, to inappropriate fear responses, physical discomfort and dis-ease. I have successfully used it to help clients come off anxiety medications, heal asthma, styes, colitis, find the courage to quit their soul-sucking jobs, and more. 

You must be a graduate of the Full Bloom Transformation Immersion to take the certification course. 


This healing methodology is at the leading edge of healing modalities, and helps the client heal in a holistic, empowering way from the ROOT CAUSE. 


As a Full Bloom participant, you will also gain access to my archive of 18 mind-bending classes and transformational meditations to help you deepen your innerstanding of the topics we’re working on + my 6 week self-paced course Meditation for Intuition





Illuminate your blocks.

In this module we uncover all of the places we are still letting fear subconsciously run the show, keep us small, charge less than we should be, and where we are making things harder and more stressful than necessary.



Unshakeable trust

In this module we will cultivate the DEEPEST level of trust so that we can let GOD take over all of the heavy lifting and allow things to be EASY and FUN  



Ignite your dreams

In this module we will get very clear on your dreams and step into the MOST EMPOWERED, BADASS, ABUNDANT, CLEAR, highly sought-after yet RESTED woman who knows how to use her energy in the best possible way. 



your life of fulfillment, fun, freedom & abundance is just around the corner..

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